Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Multitasker scheduler algorithm

Priority level 0 - most highest priority - processes will be REAL TIME scheduled. When there are any processes running and ready at this priority level, they will be serviced to the exclusion all processes not at level 0. No process will have this priority level, not even the kernel.
The last level - lowest priority - will be "BACKGROUND" scheduled. In this case, prcesses will only receive processor time when there are no ready processes at any other level.
There are 8 priority levels, from 0 to 7.

Among all of the processes at other priority levels, there will be a more even-handed approach to scheduling. Among the quantum-ing variables will be following: priority, waiting time.
quantum = ((priority levels - task priority) * ratio ) + waiting time.
This means that the inverse of the process priority will be multiplied by "ratio", and to that will be added the current waiting time.

For example:

TASK1 : priority = 1, waiting time = 4
TASK2 : priority = 2, waiting time = 6
TASK1 quantum = ( ( 8 - 1 ) * 3) + 4 = 25   <- winner
TASK2 quantum = ( ( 8 - 2 ) * 3) + 6 = 24
That means TASK1 win

TASK1 : priority = 1, waiting time = 3
TASK2 : priority = 2, waiting time = 10
TASK1 quantum = ( ( 8 - 1 ) * 3) + 3 = 24

TASK2 quantum = ( ( 8 - 2 ) * 3) + 10 = 28   <- winner

In the second case, task 2 gets to run since it has been waiting long enough to overcome task 1's higher priority. This possibility helps to ensure that no processes will stop.

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